Here are some of the terrain pieces on their own. Some are in various stages of completion, but all are functional and are being used in games and demonstrations. You can refer to the earlier post to see examples of what they look like together on a table. They look good with or without a gaming map. I did create a desert sand & dirt gaming mat just for Malifaux (it is big enough so I also can use it for WarmaHorde games). Below I will give a brief comment on how I use each piece on the table for games/demos.
Pond: Severe only
Walls: Ht 1 Blocking, Climbable (costs 2" of movement), Hard Cover
Trees: These trees have their own amorphous bases that sit on top of some sand/dirt/grass templates to determine the area of the forest (3rd photo, below trees and cacti, are examples of such templates)
Forest are Ht 5 Blocking, Severe, Soft Cover,
Cacti: These can sit on top of sand/dirt/grass templates to simulate a patch of cacti that be determined as Impassable or Hazardous. They can be placed on top of 30 mm bases or just on their washer based to create a single Hazardous piece of terrain.
Sand patch: Can be left bare to be just Severe Terrain; place trees or other flora to create various forest terrains.
Outcrops: The first two outcrops are small, about 4" - 7" across. They are Ht 2 Blocking, Hard Cover. They are stable enough to be Climbable, but I usually treat them as Impassable to encourage flanking and making hard choices (bottleneck or spread out). The third outcrop is much larger and is definitely Climbable. There are two levels on each. The second level provides a Vantage point.
The cacti are really cool.