Monday, June 22, 2015

Playing Malifaux @ Battleground Games

Monday evenings around 5:00 pm, Battleground games hosts Miniatures Games Night. 
Warmachine/Hordes, Malifaux, Mordheim, Wild west Exodus, Star Wars Armada and X-Wing are the systems I see being played at the store.  There are several large tables to play on and plenty of terrain.

Currently, I am focusing on playing Malifaux and I am especially trying to grow the Malifaux meta in the Charlotte area.  I would love to see more players discover this unique game.  There is talk that the next book Wyrd is releasing is going to introduce campaigns to Malifaux with persistent injuries and boons - exciting!

 If you want to learn the game, let me know and I can bring my "demo set" to teach you how to play.
 I even bring some of my own terrain just-in-case since Malifaux loves tables with a lot of terrain!

Battleground Games is located at 112-6 Morris Dr.  Harrisburg, NC, just east of UNCC in North Charlotte. 

Hope to see you soon!


  1. Wife and I are in the area tonight and brought all out Malifaux stuff to work on painting and maybe get a game in. Are Monday night games still open?

  2. Sorry about that, have not been on her is some time.
    I do not know of any Malifaux in this area. MACE was the last time I was able to play.

    Battleground I think is closing, but might be replaced by another store - not sure. They were like mnay small stores and were mostly RPG and card-drafting games. I know Abubika does minis, but they are Warmachine mainly with some pushing Guild Ball and Infinity. I liked that place and the people there when I visited but cannot speak to Malifaux's prescence. When I ran demos, there was interest - sadly, I can't get out there regularly. Battlegrounds was nice, but they barely made an effort to create interest in miniatures so there was never a meta grown.

    My biggest obstacle is logistics. I have hundreds of dollars of minis and can't ever get out to the stores when they are open and/or other players are there. Contemplating creating solo variant to Malifaux.
