Friday, June 19, 2015

Malifaux 2e Master

UPDATE:  McMourning won this race.  Now, who after him...?

I am getting back into Malifaux since their transition to Second Edition and I am loving the changes and the meta is slowly growing here in Charlotte, NC, thanks to the Battleground Games which has been kind to host Miniature Mondays which has not been overrun by 40k players.

Wyrd has gone about resculpting all of their models to go with Malifaux 2e and while I am happy with the metal sculpts I have, I would like to get a new Master's Crew Box since these plastic sculpts look amazing . So, I am looking to get a new Master without duplicating ones I already have.  The models I am considering are:

Jakob Lynch
Lucas McCabe
Yan Lo

Help me eliminate some from the list and get to painting them, playing them, and, most importantly, creating terrain just for them to run around in!

 I already have models in Guild, Resurrectionists, Neverborn, and Outcast, so there are bonus points to those Masters above since I can already add to the Crew Box which saves money.  With that in mind, I also want to consider what terrain would be fun to see them in and make.  I already have some forest and desert terrain so models that can fit in those locations get additional bonus points, too.   I am imagining the accompanying terrain would be:

Jakob Lynch  - Wild West/ Saloon
Kirai - Railroad camp/ Brothel
Leveticus - Desert/Sewers
Lilith - Woods
Lucius -Internal Buildings (like a dungeon crawl, but more bureaucratic)
Lucas McCabe - Mining Town
McMourning - Graveyard/ Sewers
Misaki - who knows.....
Ophelia - Swamps
Pandora - Sewers/ Streets
Somer  - Swamps
Tara - Desert
Yan Lo - Graveyard

1 comment:

  1. I'm leaning towards Lucas McCabe or McMourning for that little Zombie Chihuahua!
